What are the Most Important Guidelines To Help Ensure That Your Child’s Media Experiences Are Safe?
We need to be mindful that the media is a powerful force in our children’s lives. It fosters their sense of self, helps them learn about the world, and shapes their relationships. But it can also have negative effects on children if they have too much of it or if they see things that are not appropriate for their age.
This article will give you guidelines to help ensure that your child’s media experiences are safe:
– Keep track of what your child is watching and playing;
– Set guidelines for how much time your child should spend with different forms of media each day;
– Make sure your child has a variety of other activities to do.
How Does Watching Too Much Digital Media Impact Children?
Having too much screen time is not good for children. Television and smartphones can lead to unhealthy eating habits. Children who watch a lot of screens are more likely to have attention problems and experience sleep difficulties.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under 2 years old should not watch any screens at all. Children aged 2-5 years old should watch no more than 1 hour per day and older children should not exceed 2 hours per day.
How Much Technology Is Too Much Technology For Toddlers?
Technology is a part of our lives. It is an integral part of our everyday life. We use it for communication, entertainment and education. But how much of it is too much? And what are the consequences of having too much technology for kids?
The answer to these questions will vary from one person to another. Some people believe that there should be no limit on the amount of tech gadgets a toddler can use while others believe that only limited time should be spent on devices and other gadgets before moving onto other activities such as reading, playing with toys or going outside.
Our team at Bright Spot can help you build healthy routines to keep all balances in check.