Childhood is a crucial stage in the development of a boy or girl. During these first years of life, little ones acquire fundamental abilities and skills that will allow them to face the challenges of childhood and adolescence. That is why a pedagogy that accompanies growth is essential to guarantee a comprehensive and healthy development.
The accompaniment that we provide from Bright Spot is really valuable since it comes from an educational approach that is not only aware of the different processes and stages of children, but also knows and understands that there are many ways to get to the same place.
We seek an integral development of the person, both in cognitive, emotional and social terms. It is an education that adapts to the individual needs and rhythms of each boy or girl, and that allows them to develop their abilities and skills naturally and spontaneously.
One of the fundamental principles of this pedagogy is the importance of play in child development. Play is a natural way of learning for children, allowing them to explore their environment, develop their imagination, and experiment with different roles and situations. In addition, the game helps them learn through failure, as it allows them to experiment safely and without fear of being judged.
Another important principle is respect for each child’s pace and learning style. Each child has a unique learning pace and style, and it is important to respect this and adapt education accordingly. This means that abilities and skills should not be forced before the child is ready, but it also means offering support and opportunities for the child to develop their abilities and skills at their own pace.